Melodie 2nd May 2015

Yesterday marked one year of knowing death would soon part us. Reflecting back, it was the most difficult time of our lives, but also the most cherished. Every day, every hug, every kiss was held with a bittersweetness. Seeing you slip away, feeling your pain both physical and emotional has left me broken. I long for our togetherness again. I feel you with me and know this is our only way to share new moments, by reliving memories and feeling your presence. How does God fit into all this? I believe in God. I love Jesus. I believe the Bible. I'm just not sure how it all fits together. I believe you know all the secrets now. I believe you are here with us in this house on Brer Rabbit Drive looking after us, giving us direction. Does that make you an Angel? That would not surprise me. Thomas Gill, you are an extraodinary man. I believe your heart is special and I'm so glad you chose me in which to share it.